October 2023 – Origon Recovery Solutions is delighted to have been an official partner to first annual conference "TMA Reštrukturalizačné fórum 2023" (TMA Restructuring Forum), which took place on 10 October at the premises of the Primate's Palace in Bratislava. The event, which focuses on restructuring and insolvency (R&I) in Slovakia, was organised by TMA Slovensko, the Slovak chapter of the Turnaround Management Association.
Special insolvency practitioner Jaroslav Dolný served as moderator of the expert legislative panel and was joined by an outstanding group of panellists.
The first year of the conference welcomed more than 150 R&I professionals and experts in the field of corporate restructuring and crisis management, financial advisors and investors, lawyers, bankers, and representatives of creditors, administrators, judges and other specialists dealing with insolvency and related topics.
The conference was filled to capacity, indicating the strong interest among the professional public and representatives of the commercial sphere in the area of restructuring and insolvency.